In hiding!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Capitulistik pigs

dem bludy guvermint peepul ulways nickin muni frum us pur giys. now we must stand

up tu dem an fiyt fur owr riyts n stuf. ull hu r wiv me rays yur

hand now. i no i cant se yu but i no yu did it cos i magic.
abitwicked, I need your e-mail so I can send my avatwar to you in secret n so andy can talk to you in a annoyin manner.


Blogger AVA said...

So this is how you guys talk... I tried to say it outloud, with the brittish accent and all, but I'm not sure I'm doing such a great job.
Why don't u do an audioblog, that would be way too cool.

5:07 PM


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