In hiding!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hellooooo, where am I?

Hrm.. The only thing I can actually think about blogging about is my attempting at programming.. I never would've figured it'd be so time-consuming and require so much effort.
Making pictures and animations.. that's just the same and all this just to create some effortless game to entertain some young, mindless children.
On the plus side.. I'm learning! YAY!
I am hopeless.
"Rawr, rawr, rawr!!"


Blogger Desperate Maiden said...

That it is.. A start to what?

9:46 PM

Blogger Desperate Maiden said...

What do you mean make?

6:35 PM

Blogger Desperate Maiden said...

Oh and this is so I can get a head-start on my course and something to just pass the time.

6:47 PM


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